Charity Shop Gem of The Week

Some of the greatest moments in a record collector's career come in charity shops - it's where you can find treasure among the trash - it doesn't have to be worth a fortune to make your day either.
One of the best tips I can give a budding digger is to pay special attention to charity shops in far flung locations - there are hundreds of hungry diggers in the big cities waiting to snaffle up the best offers, but out in the sticks all sorts of records get donated and can sit around for weeks or years.
Check out our weekly installment documenting the best finds we've stumbled upon in our regular charity shop trawls.
e among the trash - it doesn't have to be worth a fortune to make your day either.

Time is a relative concept. It doesn't really exist except in our own hallucinated relationships with it. The application of days, digits and crudely effective instruments of time-keeping are just a tool to keep us worker bees down. So if we don't manage weekly updates it's not because we're lazy, it's because we are renegade mavericks playing by our own rules, rejecting the conditioning of this cruel world. Viva la remisness!

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Week 10 - The Neutrons: Black Hole Star

Not to be confused with Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun, I stumbled across The Neutron's Black Hole Star on a recent flea-market rummage, and mainly bought it because tyhe cover is all silvery and spacey. Current obsession with space-pop and synthy-psychedlia meant I was compelled.
What actually comes out of the speakers when needle hits groove is quite unexpected. Where I expected to hear Moogs and Mellotrons I basically get traditional Prog Rock arrangements. Which is fine, and some of the songs are really good. But I was a bit disappointed.
It is, nevertheless, a gem... the album works as an opus, each song leading into the next in a really pleasant way, and there are some lovely changes of pace. It's not John Keating, but it is rather good. Plus it's got a song called Dance of the Psychedelic Lounge Lizards. Which can't not be a good thing.
Best track: Mermaid and Chips